Thursday, September 4, 2008


So the apartment is now equipped with The Office Season 4 on DVD. That's right. We are part of the dedicated fan base that went out the day it was available, bought it at Wal-Mart, then had it playing all day and night.

In fact, I think we've started back at Disc 1 three times now.

My favorite part about The Office: Pam.

Girls like this do not exist. I promise, she has the qualities that pretty much every guy dreams of. And the only thing holding her back from being someone that I would want to call in real her red hair.

(Pam and Addison Shephard are the only two redheads I've every considered attractive)

And I'm pretty sure that girls feel the same way about Jim, too. So it just feels good for these two perfect people to be in a perfect relationship. It gives us all hope that love is Scranton, PA.

I really do need to find a new tune to someone send me an email, or Facebook message, and tell me what to write about.

Cuz love is boring.


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