Tuesday, December 16, 2008


“I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I dreamed it’d be.”-- This basically sums up my last 5 days on planet Earth.

I haven’t been this lazy, this bored, this…fat in such a long time.

It is times like these that make me realize how much I appreciate school and the stress that comes with it. Even though classes are hard, and most of them stupid, it is still a responsibility that keeps people like me sane.

I’ve already cleaned my apartment, and my car, I’ve done all my laundry, and I’m going to bake up a storm tomorrow…what else is there to do?

I leave for Florida on Friday, and I will be there until the first week of January. That’s awesome, I know.

But will it make a difference? I am afraid I will just be bored AND warm. Plus, I won’t get to see my friends at all over Christmas break.

I guess I just miss hanging out with certain people, and I am recognizing that I would rather be with them than be warm…and not have to worry about scraping off my windshield…or have to wear multiple layers of clothes…ok, so maybe my friends can wait.

Regardless of all those things, and how I rank my friends against my warmth, I miss school. I am still in town, still walking distance from my classrooms, but it’s the people that make the difference.

I hope that I feel different at the end of next semester. I hope I am ready to move on from college and start working in the “real world.” I can’t imagine living my life without talking to the people I am talking to now. It seems impossible to think that I will need to spend more than $100 a week on myself. I feel like I could live like this forever.

But I know that’s not true. I have to move on. Just like that relationship you were in that caused you so much stress, and made you so angry sometimes, after it’s over…you miss it.

I guess I just need to find a new girlfriend…right?


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