Thursday, August 7, 2008


So tomorrow is my last day at my internship, and I must say…I AM STOKED!

Over the summer I’ve hung 3 paintings, changed 4 light bulbs, built a chair, made coffee, vacuumed and dusted, taken out the trash, and spent 300 hours on Facebook. But it was all worth it.

Not only will I remember this experience for a long time, but I will also use what I’ve learned and apply it to my everyday life. There are things about being in the working world that you never know until you get there. Now that I know a few of those things, I am going to do my best to take advantage of my last year in school.

There’s no place like college, and I’m finally starting to realize that. Yet, I am still excited to be on my own for real. Though next time, I better get paid for this crap.


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