Monday, January 19, 2009


I was thinking today about why hindsight is 20-20. I wondered if it was possible to be so aware of the moment, that you can have the perception that is gained in hindsight. You would think that having that ability would allow you to make the right decision in every situation; in turn, making life easier.

I think I have been using this method for my entire life. I don’t usually make decisions “on a whim” or “live life for the moment” because whims and moments are temporary. I always knew that I wanted to make decisions that I would be proud of no matter how old I got (assuming that the older I got, the more critical I would be. i.e.- mid-life crises).

Is this something that separates me from other people? I think so.

Most people have different priorities in life. They are in it to have fun, and enjoy their time, and aren’t too particular about how they go about those things. For me, I am convinced that I can have fun and enjoy my time without making regrettable decisions. In fact, I think half the fun is knowing that I am enjoying myself AND I am doing the right thing.

I have always been sure not to criticize other people for how they choose to live their life…because it’s theirs. However, I am always eager and willing to offer advice on how to solve the problems that arise from continually making “bad decisions.”

You’d be amazed at people that have been making unanimously “wrong” decisions for so long, and don’t even realize it. Their level of standards has shifted so much, either because of their surroundings or a personal change, that they cannot reconnect with what their true self really values.

It’s a difficult thing for these people to deal with. No one likes to be told that they are wrong, but it’s even more hurtful to have to tell yourself.

But this isn’t the end of the world.

It’s never too late to change. There is a reason that everything in life can be called “a phase,” and you shouldn’t be afraid to snap out of one if you realize it is not making you a better person. Hopefully if you are experiencing this, like I was, you have a strong group of friends that can help you through it.

You’ll be glad to know that, even though you may be embarrassed to ask for their help, your relationship with these friends will improve immensely: Especially if they have noticed the same change in you.

Everyone wants you to be the best you can be, so why shouldn’t you want to?



Anonymous said...

Neely, you don't know me, but I went to college with your mom and dad. In fact, for what it's worth, I knew you were going to be named Neely even before your mom and dad started dating! At any rate, I stumbled across your blog not long ago and enjoy reading it periodically. If you wouldn't mind, could you tell your mom that I'd love to hear from her. My e-mail is Thanks, and keep writing!

Anonymous said...

One last thing, could you also tell her I have made e-mail contact with Robbie Little recently? She might be interested in knowing that.

Okay, that's all.

Anonymous said...

You are one of the most adorable guys I have yet to come across in my life. To have so much respect for yourself and for others is amazing, let alone your gorgeous looks. Keep being awesome you.