Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Eggs Don't Even Compare...

You spend your whole life looking for something that you’re not sure you will ever find.

Whether it’s the best job in the world, the girl or guy of your dreams, or the house you’ve always wanted to live in: Everyone has something that they dream about having, and will not be truly happy until they find that thing.

Of course, we spend most of our lives on this quest. Even if we find one of these things, we check it off and move down the list until everything is exactly how we imagined it would be when we were little.

How do you know if what you found is “the best” or “the one” without completely ignoring the rest of the world and what it has to offer?

I think that once you find that house…you know. Once you land that job…you know. When you are with that person…you just know.

Trust me: if there is one thing I hate more than snow, it is clichés. But this one is for real!

Never think that what starts as mediocre will grow on you and become the thing of your dreams…that’s not how it works. You should be wowed from the get-go. Settling will never result in true happiness.

And if you are sitting there worried about if it will ever happen: if you will ever find what you are looking for…have faith!

The feeling you get when you know you’ve finally found it is more than worth all of the pain and struggles you went through to get there. If you think you should give up, please don’t.

There are things in this world that were meant to be… and you will find your something sooner or later.

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