Thursday, April 23, 2009

Soft thoughts in hard times

I have always been a fan of irony and oxy morons and puns and analogies and lists without commas, but I have really been thinking about one in particular that has some actual application in my life right now:

The worst thing possible, might be the best thing ever.

Follow me on this.

Consider some aspect in your life that is going really well. For instance, you have a great job that you love and you enjoy going to work every day. Though you want a promotion, and will eventually push for one, you are perfectly happy where you are now.

Something comes up at work: a big assignment or a major account or a long-term project: It is all put on you. You are overwhelmed with all of this responsibility, and it doesn’t go away for years. Over this time, you don’t feel the same way about your job. You still love it, but things have changed and you’re not sure if it is still worth all of this heartache you go through every day.

Then when the task is finished, after years of hard work you put into it, you finally get your raise. Things are better than ever for you. Not only are you back to loving your job, but you are making more money, enjoying more time off, and you are finally living the life you’ve always wanted.

Those two years you spent suffering made the promotion that much more rewarding. You know what it’s like to be under pressure, so you appreciate the times when you are out from under it. Plus, it has prepared you for any hard times that may come up in the future. You know it can’t get much worse than that, so you aren’t afraid of anything.

The worst thing possible, might be the best thing ever.

Think about it.



Lindsay said...

Very, very insightful food for thought here, Neely. And I totally get it!

But shouldn't you be working?!? If you're lacking stuff to do, I can fix that for you when I get back from lunch (which is where I am right now) ... :)

RedThreadDIY said...

Hmm.. I'll have to keep that in mind when being tortured with never-ending papers and homework!