Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Baxter, You Know I Don't Speak Spanish

The great thing about Telemundo is that you don't have to know Spanish to find it entertaining. My roommate is a Spanish major, and studied abroad in Spain, so sometimes I ask for a translation. But for the most part, I just enjoy the extravagance and pure energy that is portrayed through the short Mexican game show hosts.

I'm kind of finding a similarity between Telemundo and life.

College has always been fun for me. It's usually fun for everyone. But for the most part, it's just like Telemundo. You don't understand what's going on necessarily, or the meaning of the things that you find exciting. You're just there for the good times.

But after being out in the real world, I kind of feel like my roommate. I understand the meaning of college. I've never sat in a 400 level class, while going through the syllabus, and said, "Yeah, I know about that...and that...and that...this will be a breeze." It's a nice feeling.

At the same time, though, it's kind of depressing though. I can only watch Telemundo for so long before it gets boring. The yelling and screaming wears you down after a while, and you just have to change the channel.

The sad part is, when I graduate, it's like I'm changing the channel to like...Lifetime or something.



1 comment:

mkim50 said...

Lifetime!!! Are you serious Neely? The real world is what I aspired to achieve, to be independent in every possible way. I would have to compare my life now to TLC..The learning channel..everyday is different and a day filled with something new, whether it be challenges, joys, arguments, or chaos. College is BORING...it's safe..everyone does it..The real world is where it is at. Why? You don't have to sit in a lecture hall listening to the same monotone professor. You don't have to take midterms or final exams. In the real world the people are much better looking, you can have intellectual conversations, social gatherings are not dependent on the amount of beer or scantily dressed underage girls trying to find themselves. The real people exist in the real world. Ask Doug, my life has not been boring..it's only more exciting. It's not so bad in the real world..and trust me it's no Lifetime..