Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Baxter, You Know I Don't Speak Spanish

The great thing about Telemundo is that you don't have to know Spanish to find it entertaining. My roommate is a Spanish major, and studied abroad in Spain, so sometimes I ask for a translation. But for the most part, I just enjoy the extravagance and pure energy that is portrayed through the short Mexican game show hosts.

I'm kind of finding a similarity between Telemundo and life.

College has always been fun for me. It's usually fun for everyone. But for the most part, it's just like Telemundo. You don't understand what's going on necessarily, or the meaning of the things that you find exciting. You're just there for the good times.

But after being out in the real world, I kind of feel like my roommate. I understand the meaning of college. I've never sat in a 400 level class, while going through the syllabus, and said, "Yeah, I know about that...and that...and that...this will be a breeze." It's a nice feeling.

At the same time, though, it's kind of depressing though. I can only watch Telemundo for so long before it gets boring. The yelling and screaming wears you down after a while, and you just have to change the channel.

The sad part is, when I graduate, it's like I'm changing the channel to like...Lifetime or something.



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Working Out

Sometimes you need motivation. Sometimes you need intervention. For me, I just need more time.

I don't know what it is about being up here at school that makes me think that day after day of fast food won't get to me. I wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say, "You know, fourth meal isn't that great for me."

I think I am like a lot of people. Something gets to me one day and I say, "I'm going to the gym everyday from now on." Or something like that. So yeah, we go for a few days, and as soon as we see the slightest bit of difference in our bodies, we go, "See, I'm all better...let's order pizza."

So what is going to change those kind of habits? I remember watching an infomercial when I was 12 that said, "In order to truly be healthy, you can't just 'go on a diet,' you have to make a commitment to make a lifestyle change." Even to this day, I cannot argue with that point.

However...IT IS REALLY HARD. If anyone has been out with me before, you know that I have the ability to knock out a couple handfulls of sodas(which is why I refuse to drink alcohol, because...things would happen). And, back in my prime, I could pretty much eat anything you put in front of me: an entire large pizza, a bowl of mashed potatoes, triple cheeseburgers...yikes.

Now, thankfully, just typing that makes me nauseated. But I haven't ironed out my stomach yet. There are still things I have to overcome to be truly comfortable with my eating habits. But that is the last point I want to make.

There was a point this summer where I felt I was the healthiest I have ever been. I had been playing basketball a couple times a week, cut back on pop, and sweating my life away at football practices. Yet, when I got on the scale, I was still around my average weight. So believe me when I say: weight is just a number.

As long as you are comfortable and feel good with yourself, that is all that matters. That is, after all, the whole point of going on diets, exercising, and stuff like that. To make yourself feel better.

Now to make myself feel better, I'm going outside to brown my pale skin.


Thursday, August 7, 2008


So tomorrow is my last day at my internship, and I must say…I AM STOKED!

Over the summer I’ve hung 3 paintings, changed 4 light bulbs, built a chair, made coffee, vacuumed and dusted, taken out the trash, and spent 300 hours on Facebook. But it was all worth it.

Not only will I remember this experience for a long time, but I will also use what I’ve learned and apply it to my everyday life. There are things about being in the working world that you never know until you get there. Now that I know a few of those things, I am going to do my best to take advantage of my last year in school.

There’s no place like college, and I’m finally starting to realize that. Yet, I am still excited to be on my own for real. Though next time, I better get paid for this crap.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

College is Coming

So it’s my last week in the working world until next year, and I can’t wait for it to end.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the everyday grind. But I seriously can’t wait to get back up to school.

This year is going to be the best year yet, I think. I have finally gotten the exposure I need to truly appreciate where my life is at right now. I went to move my brother out of his dorm back in May, and the campus at his school was…well, depressing.

I counted how many girls were even somewhat attractive. I was there for almost 24 hours…I saw 4.

There truly is no place else like Central. And a lot of people disagree. Some people hate it, they think it’s a bad school, they think Mt. Pleasant is a crappy town, and they would rather go to State or U of M. To those people, let me ask you this…why aren’t you going somewhere else?

If you aren’t happy with where you’re at, why are you here? Seriously. Because you are just bringing me down with you.

I even get annoyed when people wear clothes with other school’s logos on it. I mean, that seems completely disrespectful to me. It might be because I’ve spent the first 3years of my college career dedicating my life to supporting the sports teams here, but I really think that you should take some of that money that you’re spending on booze and go to the bookstore and by a CMU hoodie. And get rid of that blue and yellow rag.

I’m going to have lots of time on my hands this semester, and it’s a good thing, too. I seriously have to study for at least ONE semester the entire way through. I usually do well with keeping up on the reading up until, I don’t know, week 2. So this year will be different.


I guess the thing I’m most excited about is having my baby brother up there with me. I’ve never been in the same school as him, so it will definitely be something to remember. He’s quite the pimp, so I’ll need to warn my friends. But this is finally a good opportunity for me to be a good older brother…and tote him around like a trophy.

Chicks dig that kinda stuff.

Anyway, I have to finish summer stuff first. I have to write paper after paper for this internship. But only 2 more to go! Hooray!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Soal Maits

I have a feeling that soul mates exist. Though I’m not convinced that there is “only one;” rather, I think that there are qualities in people that match exactly with what you are looking for. Whether they line up with you perfectly, or provide just enough friction to keep things interesting, we all look for certain things in a soul mate.

So here is the question. If you have a person picked out as your soul mate, but they don’t consider you THEIR soul mate, does that disqualify them from being the perfect match?

For example: you know this person inside and out, and love everything about them. You are refreshed by the amount of things you have in common, and find it effortless to talk to each other. Whenever you think of them, you begin to smile, and every time you talk to them you get butterflies in your stomach. Yeah…it’s that bad.


They don’t feel the same about you. (Again, I don’t know how many times I’ve talked about unrequited feelings)

What do you do? Do you hold out in hoping that this one thing changes and you can finally begin your lives together? Or do you move on to find the next person that fits your bill?

Either route is going to come with some amount of pain. I mean, come on, if you are denied by your soul mate, can it get much worse? But I wouldn’t take it as a complete fail. Think of the things that you have gained from that experience.

Instead of measuring your next date by previous relationships, you can stack them up against this soul mate. You can see how well they compare to the guy/girl of your dreams.

Even better, you finally have some peace of mind that the person you had envisioned in your head actually exists out in the world. You all know what I’m talking about. We’ve all thought about “the one” and how perfect it will be: but to have that embodied by an actual person gives you a confidence boost that there is hope for you yet.

As to whether it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all…I think that’s a dumb question. A life without love is a wasted life. Falling for someone and having it shoved in your face sucks, yes. But it makes that final connection you make even better when everything clicks, and you really have found the one for you.

Apparently I’ve hit a nerve with some of you. I appreciate the requests. Keep them coming.
