Friday, June 27, 2008


OH MY GOD! If I have ever underestimated a movie prior to watching it, this is it!

The previews make it seem like it’s just another slapstick kid’s movie that employs cute robots only capable of a few syllables, a la R2-D2. Yet the plot of the movie was far deeper and intrinsic than what I expected, not only from this movie, but of any Disney movie ever.

Trust me, this won’t spoil it for you, but the movie plays with our future in ways that the audience is uncomfortable with the reality of the portrayal. Granted, this takes place 800 years in the future, but it hints at our current track of pollution, laziness, and the economy’s forfeit to big business. And remember, this is all in a DISNEY MOVIE!

I looked around the theater and there wasn’t anyone under the age of 12. Instead of childish laughs at the helpless fat bodies, there were instead shaking heads of disgust. Even tiny scenes that involved the children of the future tugged at our mental strings.

I know it made me think, and I’m sure everyone that has seen it will be compelled to re-think their lifestyle…at least for the few moments in the car on the way home from the theater.


1 comment:

liveLaughLOVE said...

Good for Disney! I'm glad someone is taking a step in the right direction and trying to pull people's heads out of their asses. I will have to see this movie!