Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Things That You Have Come to Fear the Most

So I just got done watching 300. And it was funny to see how the use of fireworks and elephants were so intimidating back in the day.

People are naturally scared of things they've never seen before.

My grandma has never been on the Internet. Think about that. Even though 93% of Americans are connected to the Web, probably 99% of America has been online: either at school, or a library. She has no desire to be connected to the rest of the world. She just wants to watch her soaps and go to thrift stores.

Which made me think.

As the complexity of our society evolves in the future, will the simple life be more and more attractive? I know that I've thought about moving into the hills of Ireland and being a shephard for the rest of my life. Something about being removed from the pressures that have been created in the world is ridiculously appealing to me. And I'm still 21.

At one point in early human history, the only thing you worried about was finding your next meal. Then you wanted to make a friend...of the opposite sex. So you're priorities were simple: Feed yourself and your loved ones and get some sleep.

Now we've complicated life with money. If you think of all of life's responsibilities, a vast majority are rooted in the desire for money.

I've opened a topic that I could go on forever with. I'll just tell you to watch Wall-E for more insight into our future.


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